Family Crucibles: Trials are inevitable, misery is optional.
Family Crucibles Elder Christofferson states that trials are inevitable (2022). The heartache and pain of the loss of a baby, a divorce, and maybe the loss of a friend can bring great tears and pain. Doctor Jeffrey Hill writes of more possible family hardships, "extreme marital conflict (shouting, throwing things), marital abuse (physical, emotional, sexual), depression (one or both spouses)... serious problems with inlaws... children who never marry... natural disaster..." (Hill, 2004) and the list goes on. My dad taught me since I was a little girl that "trials can either make you bitter or better." That phrase used to irritate me because I heard it often. As I've grown older, I've understood the reality of that phrase. When a trial occurs or a family crucible happens, we have the choice to either grow closer to each other and God or to drift further apart. You may be thinking "easy for you to say! This trial is more than I can bare and you don'...